Welcome to the magical world of
Henry Koffler's abstract art
Who would imagine that Henry Koffler––President Emeritus of the University of Arizona, scientist, academician, scholar, and administrator––would embark on an artistic career at the age of 90.
Only those who know him well. Who know of his lifelong love of art and music. Of a childhood in Vienna, attending operas and symphonies with his mother. Of his keen observations of people and his brilliant mind. His innate understanding of human nature and uncanny ability to sniff out talent and originality in all walks of life. His kindness and generosity of spirit. And yet even those who know him very well are delighted and astonished at the art he has created.
It challenges our preconceptions of age: the sheer multitude of art he has created in his 90s, the clarity of vision, forward attitude, and unbridled creativity. These are all Henry at his finest. Not despite his age. Because of his age. In Henry's words: Almost all my paintings derive from my inner landscape. No doubt I am influenced by my many years as a microbiologist and molecular biologist, when I did research on structure-function relationships at the cellular and subcellular level. At times I cannot tell where my scientific memories end and my imagination begins. Step into the magical world of Henry Koffler's art. And prepare to be delighted and inspired.
Kathleen Kennedy
General Manager |